Category Archive Hand Tools

ByNongerai Hardware

How to Install Toggle Bolts

What You’ll Need

 Toggle bolts
 Semi-transparent masking tape
 Power drill
 Brackets or hooks


Toggle bolts are particularly useful for hanging heavy objects on walls that do not have stud support. They consist of a threaded bolt and a pair of “wings,” which expand once the bolt is installed. Typically, a bracket or a hook, where the object is to be hung, runs through the bolt.

These bolts come in a variety of sizes, and they can be used for both horizontal and vertical installations. Moreover, they’re inexpensive and easy to install. Just follow the steps described in the guide below to begin.

Step 1 – Select the Right Toggle Bolts

When you are purchasing the toggle bolts, make sure that they will be strong enough to support the hanging furniture. Check the rating of the toggle bolts to see if they will suit your purposes. If the bolts in the local hardware store are not rated, ask the salesperson for advice.

Estimating the Correct Bolt Size

Usually, the larger the toggle bolt, the greater weight it will be able to carry, but you should check a bolt’s weight limit to be sure. Also pay attention to the length of the bolt. You should buy bolts that are longer than the cumulative thickness of your wall, the toggle, and the bracket or hook you will be using.

Step 2 – Mark and Drill Toggle-Bolt Holes

With a pencil, mark the places on the wall where you are about to bore holes for the toggle bolts. Used a level for accuracy. To prevent the wall from chipping away while you are working, you may cover the markings with a semi-transparent masking tape.

Then, bore the holes with a power drill. Ensure the bit is rotating clockwise. Once you are done drilling, remove the masking tape.

Step 3 – Install the Toggle Bolts

Insert the bracket in the bolt and thread the toggle onto its end. Fold the toggle back, and insert it through the wall hole until you feel the wings have opened on the other side of the wall. Pull the bolt back until the wings catch the wall. They should not be twirling while you are fixing the bolt.

Screwing the Bolt in and Repeating

Then, screw the bolt in the wall with a screwdriver. Before steadying it completely, ensure the bracket is perpendicular to the floor. Repeat the procedure for the other toggle bolts.

If your were successful with your toggle-bolt installation, try installing one of these bolts in the ceiling to hang other objects.

ByNongerai Hardware

How To Remove A Pop Rivet

Pop rivets are one of the most simple fasteners to use when fixing two pieces of metal together. However, it’s easy to make mistakes even if you’re experienced with them, so learning how you can remove them without damage to the metal is a useful endeavor. Removing the pop rivets is actually very easy; you will simply need a drill and drill bit capable of drilling through metal. Only once the rivet has been removed can you apply a new pop rivet properly to secure the pieces.

Step 1 – Select Your Drill Bit

The first thing you should do is spend time carefully choosing the right drill bit for your project. The drill bit needs to be slightly bigger than the stem of the rivet but smaller than the head. The purpose of drilling through the rivet isn’t to drill right though; it’s simply to take the head off so that the fastening can be removed. The drill bit you choose should be able to cut this head.

Step 2 – Prepare

Put the drill bit into the drill and tighten the chuck up. Make sure that you support your metal work properly so that you can safely and easily work on the rivet in question.

Some rivets have a center indent while others have a completely smooth head. If yours are smooth, hammer the tip of a small punch into it to create an indent for guide.

Step 3 – Drill

Place the tip of the bit in the center of the rivet head and start drilling, but keep the speed low at this point. It can be difficult not to skid everywhere when drilling rivets which is why you will need start slowly. Once the head comes away from the body of the rivet stop immediately. Do this quickly because carrying on could cause damage.

Step 4 – Remove the Rest of the Rivet

If the rivet hasn’t come out already due to the vibrations, then you can simply remove the rest of the rivet by using the center punch and hammer. Put the punch onto the rivet stem and then give it a hit; this should make the rest of the rivet fall out. If you have done this carefully and properly then the metal around the rivet should not be damaged at all.

Step 5 – Repeat on Other Rivets

Repeat the process on other rivets until you have removed all of them. Your two pieces of metal can be separated at this point and readjusted if needed. You can then choose another method of attaching them or decide to rivet them again.